If you are requesting me to read and review a book please be aware that I have a strict, self-imposed honesty policy when it comes to my reviews and will always provide real feedback on everything provided to me. If you are uncomfortable with the possibility of receiving a negative review, please do not send me a request. I promise that all of my reviews will be respectful but honest, and please remember that I am reviewing books, not the authors.
Please send all requests to smm070791@gmail.com and please include the following on the email (optional):
REVIEW DEADLINE (Please specify if there is no deadline):
Review requests submitted to me will take top priority and at minimum will be completed within one (1) week of receiving the book and at maximum, it may two (2) weeks, but only in the event that personal schedule is busy. If needed, I can work around special time requests and in the case that I am currently reading and/or reviewing multiple books at the same time, I will keep the publisher, publicist, and/or author informed of the progress. - WHERE WILL THE REVIEWS BE POSTED?
Effective immediately, all reviews and information on where to purchase them will be posted here on the blog, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookbub, Goodreads, Google Play, Kobo, LibraryThing and Smashwords. In addition, for hardcopies I will post the reviews to all the above including Instagram. Upon request, I will also post reviews to other platforms as well. - WHAT BOOKS AND GENRES DO I ACCEPT? DO NOT ACCEPT?
I am not very selective and would say that my interest are very board hence I am open to reading anything that is read and written in English. To say the least, everyone deserves a fair chance of having their story heard and I am open to the idea of exploring new concepts, topics, and/or genres other readers typically defer from. The stories that are requested for review can be of any length (short stories, novellas and novelettes) including works by debut authors. Furthermore I would like to notate that even though it is my mission to read until completion, if the book provided to me has failed to meet my expectations and/or there was another issue with my reading experience I reserve the right to drop and/or do not finish the book in which case the honest review will be utilized to explain as to why I made that decision. - WHAT IS GENERALLY INCLUDED IN THE REVIEW?
- Books details
- Title, Author(s), Publisher(s)
- Characters (Main)
- Age, appearance characteristics, occupation, etc.
- Setting
- Genre(s): Romance, Urban Fantasy, Contemporary, etc.
- Content Rating
- Point of view (POV)
- Smexy level (Sex scenes, if applicable): Subtle (little to none), Warm (not explicit nor descriptive), Hot (Explicit)
- Favorites quotes
- Thoughts on the novel
- Links to booksellers
- Links to author and/or publisher website and social media accounts
- Concept
- Writing Style
- Characters/Secondary Characters
- Character Development
- Chemistry
- Plot
- Ending
- Entertainment
- Paperback
- Hardcover
- Mobi
- ePUB
- 5 (★★★★★) Masterpiece ― The novel is an exemplar and all the elements in this series are very strong or above. For a novel to be a masterpiece, it has to be excellent, but have done something really special, unique, and/or interesting. These are the gems that give words of art a good name and as far as I’m concerned, these titles do what they’re meant to do right, and in no uneventful way either. Even if my heart score for these titles is low, their greatness is so obvious that it doesn’t matter. Every reader should take the time to read them since I believe they define all that’s great about writing. I think they could even impress some cynical non-fans. Basically they’re just that ― masterpieces in storytelling, character development, entertainment, some combination of great attributes, or essentially a flawless novel.
- Examples: Fumbled Hearts, Kingdom of Exiles, Summer Moon
- 4.50 (★★★★✬) Great ― Highly notable and excellent titles, not quite masterpieces, but almost there. Has extremely strong elements that can draw readers in with their unique and interesting story and characters, quality writing style and content, or some other form of goodness. Series that are the pinnacle of their genre and/or series that achieve something truly brilliant and inspiring.
- Examples: Dark Alpha's Awakening, Give Me Fever, Sleepwalking with Ruby
- 4 (★★★★☆) Very Good ― The elements are better than average and this category also contains series that average out – some really strong elements that are able to mitigate some weaker ones. These are novels that I felt went the extra mile and even if they had some flaws, something about them made them stand out to me, whether it was writing style, content, a certain memorable character, or any number of things.
- Examples: Darkest Heart, Their Perfect Melody, Tiger Lily
- 3.50 (★★★✬☆) Good ― Generally, this series is not particularly strong, but doesn’t contain any glaring weaknesses and overall, the elements are competently done. Well composed novels that exhibit some noteworthy artistic intent through their creativity and intelligence, or stories that are just phenomenally entertaining throughout. Series with this rating are ones that I liked and thought were pretty good, plain and simple. They’re not great but not bad, just good. I had some issues with them, but enjoyed reading them for the most part.
- Examples: Gone, Just Past Two, My Favorite Cowboy
- 3 (★★★☆☆) Fine ― Worthwhile, but not particularly memorable. Series that are competently written and do a respectable job of achieving their narrative goals. Otherwise, mediocre novels with some standout, exemplary elements and/or writing that would otherwise be great if not for some significant flaws. The series itself has a certain element that make them stand out compared to your average rated book and usually has interesting ideas but lacks the execution to fully realize its vision.
- Examples: Of Mice and Men, Reverb, The Swan and the Jackal
- 2.50 (★★✬☆☆) Average ― These are the titles that I liked to some extent but doesn’t particularly stand out. While it could be worth a watch for some mild entertainment, it can generally be described as “bland” and were full of issues that I felt were begging for improvement, i.e., unlikable/underdeveloped characters, flawed/uninteresting plot, etc.
- Examples: Children of Redemption, In It To Win It, One Night With the Millionaire
- 2 (★★☆☆☆) Bad ― An underwhelming series that generally has some problems with the elements that detract from an otherwise competently executed writing novel. These books are uninspired, offer little substance, actively boring and tedious series, in other words, either very forgettable, or it doesn't have anything meaningful to say or do.
- Examples: Brick, Somebody To Love, The Greek’s Bedroom Bargain
- 1.50 (★✬☆☆☆) Very Bad ― This novel was disappointing, usually a wasted potential and an uneventful encounter that fails to impress and/or do anything worthwhile. Aside from the potential, there are usually elements and appealing attributes that significantly detract from what could be a competent writing, be it content, plot, or character development.
- Examples: Degradation, The Billionaire's Virgin, The Design
- 1 (★☆☆☆☆) Horrible ― This writing was notable for all its failings. Glaring weaknesses are present in this series and the weaknesses substantially get in the way of a pleasurable reading experience. While their intentions may (or may not) have been good at some point during production, none of it translated into the end product. Most chapters are a chore to read, and the rest are almost offensively bad.
- Examples: Control Freak, Operation Sizzle, Untouchable
- 0.50 (✬☆☆☆☆) Unreadable ― A special place reserved for works of writing that aren't just awful, but also offensive and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. These books have weaknesses that could be described as gaping holes and weaknesses that were so severe, I often wondered why I was wasting time reading it. At this point, I hate nearly every aspect of the book and what they represent to me. There is definitely a high-risk of dropping this series if it so happened to fall under this category since it's either unreadable, bland or just outright bad that there is nothing is strong enough to save it.
- Examples: The Unidentified Redhead, Troubles and Treats, Twilight
- 0 (☆☆☆☆☆) Unrated ― A score would only be given after the series has been completed and/or I have read enough chapters to grasp the concept to give it a proper rating.
- Interviews: Do not generally require the provision of a book, unless the interview is based on generating buzz and excitement ahead of the authors upcoming release. Questions are sent via email and the author may answer any and/or all questions submitted.
- Guest Blogging: Must be relevant to books and/or writing.
- Giveaways: Only applies to members that are currently following me on one of my social media platforms.
- Blog Tours: Great exposure across the board for authors that seeking to generate awareness and excitement for upcoming book release but please note only novels from authors I have read and/or received an ARC for would be able to participate.
- Exclusive Cover(s): Provided to 25 bloggers and/or less (hence the exclusive) will be posted along with a pre-order link to the upcoming novel.
- If you have a book to share, celebrate, promote, and/or review please feel free to contact me and a response will come in less than twenty-four (24) hours. Furthermore, I just want to thank you for taking the time to read through the review policies. I look forward to hearing from you.